Abraham Gin

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Self-awareness can be a difficult path.

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are"

Learning to hold up the mirror in front of ourselves and be brutally honest with what we see doesn’t come naturally to most people. It’s a necessary path, however, and one that I always begin with when coaching leaders.

Our growth never truly ends.

This process of knowing and leading ourselves is a lifelong pursuit. Because of this, we like to represent it as an infinity loop that speaks to a couple of things…

1. We never fully ‘arrive’.

We don’t wake up one morning to finally realize, “I’m there! I don’t have anything left to learn.” There is always room for growth and improvement.

2. We must intentionally pursue growth.

Our tendencies will always be our tendencies. We must intentionally look for and work through them.

The journey is worth it, and the destination of a life-long pursuit of intentional growth is better than a life of accidental wandering. If you’re not already, step onto the trail today and begin walking the path of becoming a leader worth following.

#GiAntworldwide #ginconsultinggroup #linkedinlocalkc #leadership #growingup #selfawareness