Humility vs. Pride: The Truth
Humility vs. Pride: Why the Difference Will Make or Break Your Leadership
Humility is a virtue. Pride is not.
Humility comes when people are secure.
Pride comes when they are insecure.
A humble leader is a confident leader, knowing who they are and what they do. A prideful leader is an overconfident leader trying to convince other people that they are good enough to be doing what they are doing.
Humility is strength. Pride is weakness.
The most humble people never have to prove themselves or hide something. The most prideful people you’ll meet are always proving themselves and hiding something.
Humility is attractive. It makes people want to follow you. Pride is obnoxious. It causes people to flee from you.
A humble person understands himself or herself, realistically knowing what they can do well vs. what they cannot do well. Humble people are not afraid to take constructive criticism or counsel, nor do they feel the need to take credit when it is due elsewhere.