Abraham Gin

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As Pioneer Creatives, what do I really bring at my best to a team?

As Pioneer / Creatives it might be tempting to think that this question doesn’t apply to us! After all, we’re good at everything, right? Wrong!

Whether we find it easy to admit or not, everyone has areas where they are not so strong and Pioneers are no different. We might like to think that we can ignore these things, because no-one else has noticed, but the reality is that everyone else knows already, and if we live in denial then we will be undermining our influence.

We need to be willing to ‘waste time’ with people. Of course, it isn’t a waste of time, but it might feel like it. Are we willing to spend time with people who will never be able to assist us with our mission? Are we will willing to carve time out of busy schedules to get to know people and what is happening in their lives?

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