Steps for Transformational Leadership
Transformational Leadership is far from a linear process but it does have a number of reliable touchstones for leaders to imitate.
Step 1: Create an Inspiring Vision
Individuals need to feel compelled to follow. This is true for exercise routines, musical performers, a restaurant chain; everything! A compelling vision springs from an organization’s purpose and values while giving hope and confidence to those being served.
Step 2: Motivate Teams to Engage and Deliver Upon Vision
A leader’s call to action is to appeal to people’s personal values and to integrate these core beliefs within the “why” of the organization. The use of positive storytelling and sharing “real time” impact for your customers is important. Linking vision to individual goals, values, and tasks give it a real texture and context allowing others to more readily channel-in and contribute.
Step 3: Develop Clear Operational Strategies
A vision is of no use and falls pathetically short if it is only a high gloss token of memorabilia from an event but never internalized. It must become part of the water system and reinforced repeatedly. However, many leaders put most of their energy into the design of vision but not putting in the hard and often mundane work of operationalizing it. Warren Bennis says it succinctly: “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.”
Step 4: Build Strong, Relationship-Based Cultures
Transformational Leaders empower those they lead. They intentionally and deeply invest in their people and they work tirelessly to calibrate both high support and high challenge. If your job title hints that you are a leader, then tag: You’re it! Your ultimate duty of care is to build and maintain relationships, earn trust, and create opportunities that allow your team to grow and develop, which, in turn, builds teams worth following.
Transformational leaders inform when they must and inspire whenever they can. Inspiring great loyalty and trust is the leadership standard of excellence and significant in securing 100% team health, engagement and capacity.
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