Pioneer/Creatives make incredible conceptual thinkers.

Every character type has weaknesses in their personality, chinks in the armour if you will. We call that the kryptonite. You'll remember what it's like when Superman's flying, he's helping everybody, he's doing amazing things. But when the kryptonite's present, his capacity is severely diminished, and he's unable to do the things that he would naturally.

For Pioneer/Creatives, what happens is this, as the stress increases and the kryptonite comes close, they start to ask more and more critical questions, in order to understand everything they need to know.

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As Pioneer Creatives, what do I really bring at my best to a team?

As Pioneer / Creatives it might be tempting to think that this question doesn’t apply to us! After all, we’re good at everything, right? Wrong!

Whether we find it easy to admit or not, everyone has areas where they are not so strong and Pioneers are no different. We might like to think that we can ignore these things, because no-one else has noticed, but the reality is that everyone else knows already, and if we live in denial then we will be undermining our influence.

We need to be willing to ‘waste time’ with people. Of course, it isn’t a waste of time, but it might feel like it. Are we willing to spend time with people who will never be able to assist us with our mission? Are we will willing to carve time out of busy schedules to get to know people and what is happening in their lives?

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How can I liberate others?

This is a great question for everyone to consider! What we are really saying is, what are the simple, actionable steps that I can take to help someone else become the very best that they can be. As ever, as Pioneer / Creative, we might think we know the answer, but we might be surprised!

There may be a number of areas you need to work on, but where are you going start?

How are you going to be intentional about bringing the right combination of support and challenge for that person in the current situation? Share your thoughts :)

#GiANTworldwide #Liberate #Connections #Leadership #PioneerCreatives

How Can I Take My Communication To The Next Level?

In this episode, we are going to talk about communication. If you want to think about how we communicate change, then you might also want to check out the episode titled, How do I undermine my influence without even knowing it?

The longer you think about the challenge of communication, the harder it gets. One person has to take an idea, express it some medium, spoken words, for example, then another person has to take that information and decode the message. The challenge of this transmitting and receiving exercise, along with misaligned expectations, can result in a mess!

To learn more about Pioneer Creatives, feel free to click this link for an exclusive 30 days free trial

#GiANTworldwide #Pioneercreatives #Leadership #Connections #Communication

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Liberator Interview: Jim Marmon

I want to honor Jim D Marmon, a successful entrepreneur who grew his business to 300 employees and sold it. More importantly, he is a liberator bringing value and purpose into his work and employees. He is real and authentic, full of passion and brings life to the people he speaks into.

In addition, Jim has a huge heart to mentor young leaders.

His mission now is for his community, building up the next generation by establishing and championing Maranatha school.

Ramon , Howie Fleischer Corralesand Eric Schroeder...he mentioned you guys and spoke highly of your work and high values you carry into your relationships.

#leaderworthfollowing #liberatorinterview