How can I learn about myself/my personality to prepare for an application?
It’s a good exercise to think through your skills and talents as well as how you are wired. What’s it really like to be on the other side of you? This insight is significant for every relationship in your life and also as you consider the type of organisations to work for, the working practices that you like, the people you want to work with and whether your values align with those of the place you’d like to work.
I’d suggest you do a test but also talk to people you trust. Ask them how they experience you. Use it as an opportunity to become more self-aware. Pick a range of people and find out what it is they value you for?
Knowing yourself is a gift that will set you up for your whole career and ensure that you are a leader that people will want to follow. As hard as it might be to hear the truth it will differentiate you from many others.