Relationship Before Opportunity

How do you build deeper relationships and grow the bottom line? All it takes is a little reprogramming.

A New Perspective

How much impact could we have — in life, relationship, and business — if we simply treated people from their perspective rather than the lens of what we need from them that day?

Pain Points & Partners

The key is that when you walk in the shoes of others, you feel the holes that have been worn open from life and you experience the particular pains that come from walking in their unique shoes. Understanding those pain points enables you to empathize and understand where they are coming from. Once you fully adopt that perspective, it becomes second nature to empathize and even requires less and less effort to pick up those glasses and see the world through another’s eyes. The truly difficult part, however, is the transition process — the self-conditioning required to reprogram your thinking and reverse priorities from yours to theirs.

Reprogramming Your Mindset

You have to give up the narrowing of focus that centers on your needs, agendas, pressures, and quotas at the cost of making relationship with others nothing more than a transaction on the way to your own wants and desires. We published an article about this very topic recently and freely admit that the self, unfortunately, doesn’t like to give up its position easily.

So, for those wishing to experience greater quality of life, deeper relationships, and a bigger bottom line, put relationship before opportunity and spend time getting to know others and how you can serve their agenda before your own.

#GiANTworldwide #buildingrelationships #Connections #opportunities #newmindset