The Need for Healthy Work Environments

Atmosphere affects our breathing, which affects our living.

The same is true for organizational cultures — they are an atmosphere. Some cultures (aka atmospheres) can choke people in a matter of minutes. Other cultures tend to degrade and “kill” people over months or years. Pretty much all negative cultures come with a “hazardous materials” risk for employee well-being. Others, however, remain free and clear and produce effective, long-term health and prosperity.

We have have seen organizations exemplifying all three scenarios. As a company devoted to helping plant, water, and cultivate healthy organizational culture, our team is always working hard to create its own atmosphere of positive growth, fruitfulness, and productivity.

“The culture is the atmosphere.”

Culture = Atmosphere

So, which atmosphere are you experiencing?

Are you currently in the Venus atmosphere where you can’t breathe for even a minute?

Or are you in a smoggy atmosphere, where you know your health is declining over time?

Or maybe you are thriving in your environment with clean air and plenty of sunshine in your culture.

Thinking of culture as atmosphere is interesting. In a city full of smog you can usually trace the smog back to certain political and business decisions that enable such issues, or it may otherwise result from specific geographic realities within certain areas.

The same is true within organizations. Certain leaders and leadership decisions can lead to a divisive culture built on short-term fear to produce results. If you are an employee then you can only rely on your influence to clean up areas of leadership pollution. However, if you are a leader in some capacity, you have the opportunity (formal or informal) to clean up or establish the right atmosphere in which your people can live and thrive.

Removing the Toxins

Think about the economic and social implications for cities with horrible pollution and the astronomical costs it incurs to care for its ailing citizens. Now imagine the same implications for companies with bad atmospheres — lack of productivity, divisive drama, high turnover, and demoralized employees.

The best thing you can do as a leader is commit to a clean up.

Dedicate yourself to liberation, health, and a vibrant atmosphere at work. Let’s work today to change atmospheres for everyone’s benefit.

#GiANTworldwide #Leadership #connections #healthyenvironment #Culture #toxins #atmosphere