Finding Peace

How at Peace are You?

How often do you really think about your level of contentment? Do you ever wonder if there’s a helpful way to understand which aspects of life are bringing you peace vs. which ones are troubling you most?

What if there was a way to do a quick self-assessment to find out? It’s not a quick fix, but rather a tool to understand some of the hidden anxieties that covertly sabotage your contentment — something that can help you find a target to shoot at and begin taking back a measure of peace in your day-to-day routine.

Measuring Peace: People, Place, Purpose

How purposeful do you feel?

Is your work satisfying? Do you feel like you have a direction in your personal life that matches your values, vision, and goal for yourself? Are you energized or passionate about what you do?

Put a percentage number on it from 1–100% with 1% indicating a complete lack of any satisfying purpose and 100% representing a perfect alignment with your personal purpose at work and home.

How well are you enjoying the connection to the people around you at work and in your personal life?

Do you have a close/meaningful group of friends? Are the people in your life — friends, family, work colleagues — bringing you down or calling you up to the best version of yourself? Do you feel like you can depend on your group of friends, and are you connecting often and/or deeply enough with them?

Put a percentage number on it from 1–100% with 1% indicating a complete lack of any satisfying friendships or personal connections and 100% representing a perfect alignment of your relational needs with your current group of friends, family, and co-workers.

How well does the place you are living suit you?

Does where you live suite your lifestyle preferences? Are there enough places to hike and walk in parks, go to art galleries, sample great restaurants, or work on the land? Does your house or apartment suit the needs of your family? Is there enough diversity of people, activities, and clubs or organizations in which to get involved?

Put a percentage number on it from 1–100% with 1% indicating an ill-fitting lifestyle or location and 100% representing a perfect alignment with your lifestyle preferences and needs.

#GiANTworldwide #findingpeace #peace #leadership #work #connections
