Countering Change: Make It Your Own

Do you bury your head in the sand and refuse to acknowledge the changes taking place? Do you embrace it and go with the flow?

Intentional Transition

Whatever your response — whether healthy, stubborn, or somewhere in between — dealing with change well often requires an intentional transition.

Make It Your Own

Here are a few tips for managing change when it comes your way:

Journal — Every time you experience a new season or change in business, try beginning a new journal or moleskin to write in.

Schedule — Each season has its own schedule. When change occurs, mix it up. 

Dress — This may sound funny, but every season can have its own dress code. Consider making a style change to embrace and explore a new side of yourself. 

Playlists — Create playlists for every season. Having an anthem or soundtrack for a period of life facilitates focus, inspiration, and recharge when needed.

Big Change — Every once in a while, make a major change. Maybe that’s getting more involved with local organizations, volunteer opportunities, faith centers, or sports teams. 

Go For It!

Of course all these ideas are merely suggestions. Everyone must deal with change in their own way, and hopefully you’ll take the time to invest in the new season you are about to encounter.

#GiANTworldwide #Change #Leadership #Growth #Connections #Intentionaltransition