What is your company culture?
That being said, let’s turn it over to you…what is your company culture? What actions are you taking to craft a healthy workplace that will look like the organization you envision? Around which priorities are you targeting its growth?
You see, most leaders understand their business strategy, but listen carefully and you’ll notice that when leaders talk about culture they often discuss ping-pong tables, extra time off, and interesting (or odd) employee perks. These are all certainly elements of life within an organization that can help shape culture, but rarely do they make firm foundations upon which to build it.
Consequently, the following list of questions will help you begin thinking about how to purposefully shape your organization and cultivate the culture you truly want rather than the one you happen to stumble into:
1. Who is in charge of your organization and or department?
2. How are decisions made inside the organization?
3. How do you communicate with one another?
4. How do you celebrate together?
5. What is the process of raising up leaders internally?
6. What has value within your organization?
7. Is there intentional language to help shape the culture?
Our Challenge to You
It’s amazing what answering these simple questions can do to transform your organization from the inside out. So take a moment to think about these realities, then gather the troops and start crafting your culture vision.
#GiANTworldwide #Culture #Leadership #responsibility #Connections #consistency #Cultivatingculture #Communication