Like the effects of an anesthetic, we are often unaware of our pride. The presence of pride repels while the presence of humility attracts. This is why leaders worth following must make reflective space to sort through pride and humility.
If you’re not intentionally thinking about or working on humility, we want to help to do that. Mary Alice Higbie, the owner of the incredible St. James Tearoom in Albuquerque sent me her thoughts on humility.
Mary Alice is a part of our Executive Core process and is a leader worth following. She exhibits tremendous humility and so I wasn’t surprised when I received her deep questions in response to my previous blog on humility on how she evaluates the presence of pride in her own life. Before we provide ways to work on genuine humility, let’s go a bit deeper and think through these questions from Mary Alice.
She writes:
How can I know if I am a humble person or arrogant one? How can I know the truth about myself? How do I evaluate?
Here are some practical, rubber meets the road ways that help me discern:
When things go wrong or don’t follow my plan, do I want to blame others? Do I take it as a personal affront?
Do I get my feelings hurt often?
Do I ever call anyone “stupid” or “fool” or “idiot”?
Do I have contempt for another person, party, or group?
Do I tend to dominate? In a conversation or a meeting, am I content to listen, ask sparing questions to lead others, or must I speak all my own illuminated thoughts?
Is it important to me that others understand me, look up to me, appreciate me, or even notice me? (Ouch, you nailed me on this one Mary Alice!)
Am I able to keep some things private, or must I blab everything, either to show how much I am in the know or create a black mark, a smear, on another (thus elevating myself?)
Do I think everything depends on me?
Do I think everything depends on everyone else, and the outcome I see has nothing to do with my own responsibility?
Must I work non-stop to be in control? Am I able to rest and allow others to take precedence, to get things done, to have their way? Must I control outcomes as well as people?
#GiANTworldwide #leadership #humility #responsibility