Work ON Your business, Not IN It: 3 Questions to Spur Growth

Here are three simple, strategic lenses and questions by which to analyze your business from a different perspective — one that will hopefully help you spend more time working on the business and take you to greater heights in the process.

1. Are your offerings Simple?

Keeping things simple is actually the art and science of making things clear and concise, which are the recipes of customer interaction and employee engagement.

 It is much easier to wallow in complexity and inefficiency than to fight for clarity and focus, but our challenge for you today is to do the extra work of making your offerings as simple as you possibly can.

2. Is your business Scaleable?

What we’re asking here is this: Does your organization have the potential to eclipse you? Can it scale without you at the center of everything? If you were removed from the business tomorrow, could it survive and go on without you? Perhaps you don’t want it to or perhaps you simply don’t know how.

3. Is your business Sustainable?

Does your business have the potential to sustain its growth or are all your eggs in one basket?  A self-sustaining model is worthy of the hard work it takes to get it there.

At the end of the day, three facts hold true for any business:

Simplicity wins over complexity.

Scalability expands your impact.

Sustainability keeps the engine running.

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