Being Intentional About Your Growth

It starts with you.

The key is in being self-aware… to admit that you need to grow… to admit that you need some fresh perspective. You are the key to the growth of your team and organization, even your family.

Your growth depends on your desire to grow and on your commitment to grow. Desire and commitment together can do a lot in a person..

  • Where is your desire to grow as a leader? Do you want to grow?

  • What is your commitment to the process Are you willing to do what it takes to get to the next level?

  • What is your plan? Do you have a regimen to help you become a great leader?

Please realize, I can’t give you desire, that is up to you. I can’t impact your commitment, either. Our company has developed a plan that helps people with their commitment. If you follow this plan it will give you the basic activities you need to get moving and start growing as a leader. You can always add other things into this plan. The plan is really a framework of growth that incorporates informal time (growth during drive time or exercise time) and formal times (events, retreats, book plans, etc.)

It is up to you to commit. Once you start, it will be pivotal to start your teams (those you lead), and your organization as well. Once people see your success they will ask what has gotten into you. That is when you get them moving toward growing as leaders. That is what it means to be intentional.

Growth happens by intentional focus on raising the level of leadership. Here is to your intentional success!

#GiANTworldwide #growth #commitment #plan #leadership