Liberating leaders operate from a base of humility.
Humility is a tough concept.
I’ve detected a difference between HUMILITY and PSEUDO-HUMILITY. Since humility is an absolute essential for liberating leaders, it is important to detect genuine humility.
I receive compliments
I say “thank you”
I focus on expanding capacity in others
I am generous with coaching and compliments
I know the specific character & competency areas of my team because I am perceptive of where they are at.
I am secure enough to apologize
I celebrate that some of my advancements have come through the demonstration of trust and relevance.
I listen and ask many questions.
I pursue feedback about my affect on others
I deflect compliments
I say “Oh, well, it wasn’t me”
I focus on how others can help me win
I give occasional compliments when others are discouraged
I don’t really know where my team needs to grow because I am more focused on my own development
I am insecure enough to not admit when I have made a mistake
I am frustrated. I self-promote and wonder why I am not getting ahead
I talk to display my knowledge.
I am easily offended when others point out challenging areas in my life.
#GiANTworldwide #humility #pseudohumility #leadership #leaderslead #integrity #generosity