The Effect of Culture and Environment on Preference and Creativity

The “Oughts and Shoulds” of Culture

Cultures Idealize Specific Personalities and Tendencies

It’s about envisioning a future and bringing it to fruition.

Cultural Expectations and Dissonance

Years of nurturing influence from our parents, communities, cultural groups, and broader society have placed a set of powerful expectations on our lives that both consciously and subconsciously affect the decisions we make.

Personality Ideals Indicate Cultural Values

In some cultures, to work for the government is the pinnacle of achievement, and if you can’t do that, then you work in education, because they’re the two most stable, recognized professional systems.

Impact of Environment on Creativity

And while we don’t get to utilize our dominant hand all the time, it’s really helpful to know where we start from naturally, and how our work environment impacts our productivity and creativity as a result.

The Role of Art: Sensors and Intuitives

When it comes down to it, a great deal of Intuitives use the things they see as triggers to the future, while Sensors usually prefer to store memory and preserve the knowledge of concrete places they’ve been.

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